What Is Funeral Pre-Planning?
Funeral arrangement pre-planning has become increasingly popular over the years — and for good reason. In today’s blog at Bohlender Funeral Chapelin Fort Collins, we talk a little about what pre-planning is, why people are choosing pre-planned funeral arrangements, and what pre-planning looks like at Bohlender Funeral Chapelin Fort Collins. Keep reading to learn more of feel free to contact one of our friendly staff today.
What Pre-Planning IsFor those of you unfamiliar with this type of funeral arrangement, it is essentially someone planning and taking care of the details of their own funeral services ahead of time. While it may sound strange and uncomfortable, it is actually a very thoughtful, proactive, and wise decision when you think about it. When a loved one has passed, things are chaotic enough as is and the last thing anyone wants to do is plan the details of an organized event. Pre-planning takes care of everything in advance so that your loved ones can focus on grieving and celebrating life lost.
Why People Choose Pre-Planning ServicesThe most prominent reason people choose pre-planning funeral arrangements is what we mentioned earlier — the task of planning details won’t fall to your loved one while they are trying to process everything that’s happening. This gives your loved ones much fewer things to handle and removes the pressure of people feeling like they need to plan the perfect funeral that you would have loved.
In addition to removing items from family members’ plates, pre-planning funeral arrangements enables you to lock in a rate early on and never have to worry about it down the line. Typically, the earlier you take care of the pre-planning details, the less you will have to pay. Please note that this is NOT a way of locking you into being served by a specific funeral home. Pre-planning is solely for the benefit of you and your family and it can be transferred if need be. This type of funeral arrangement is simply a great way to make your wishes known and avoid loved ones worrying about planning a funeral “how they would have wanted.”
If you are interested in learning more about pre-planning funeral arrangements and the benefits of planning ahead, feel free to contact us at Bohlender Funeral Chapelin Fort Collins anytime or you can view our pre-planning resources here.
Pre-Planning Funeral Arrangements at Bohlender Funeral Chapelin Fort CollinsPre-planning funeral arrangements at Bohlender is easy, helps to clearly state your wishes, and protects your loved ones from cost inflation. Our team goes above and beyond and helps you throughout the entire process. You can trust that we will thoroughly answer every question you have. And, as a family-owned funeral chapel, you can rest easy knowing that we will faithfully carry out your wishes and you’ve done everything you can to alleviate the stress and pressure from your loved ones. To get started with the pre-planning funeral arrangement process, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at Bohlender Funeral Chapel in Fort Collins any time.