Funeral and Memorial Services
Cremation services have been practiced in some form or another for thousands of years. Evidence of cremation services dates back to the Stone Age and has been practiced ever since by a variety of cultures and religions. Bohlender Funeral Chapel offers cremation services in Fort Collins. Learn more about the history of cremation, and contact us today.
What We Know About Cremation Services
The earliest known cremation services as we know them were practiced by the Greeks who used an oven-like contraption to cremate their dead. Early cremation services were also practiced by the Celts who constructed a special pyre to burn their dead. Cremation was used in ancient times as a way to honor the dead and show respect for the deceased. It was believed that it helped the spirit of the deceased transition to the afterlife.
Mid-19th Century
In Europe, cremation services were banned in the Middle Ages with the rise of Christianity and the belief that the body is sacred and will rise again during the Second Coming. However, the idea resurfaced during the Renaissance. In 1873, the first crematorium was built in the United Kingdom, which was the beginning of the modern cremation movement.
U.S. Cremation Services
In the United States, cremation was not widely practiced until the late 19th century. By the early 20th century, the practice of cremation had become more accepted and began to gain popularity. In the past few decades, cremation has become increasingly popular in the United States and is now the preferred choice for many people.
The Gist of Modern Cremation Services
The modern cremation process involves the use of a special oven, usually fueled by natural gas or propane, to rapidly increase the temperature of the deceased person’s body. After the body has been completely consumed by the flames, the ashes are collected and placed in an urn. The urn can then be buried, kept at home, or scattered at a special place of the deceased’s choosing.
Bohlender Funeral Home in Fort Collins is proud to offer cremation services performed with the utmost respect and care for your loved one. Check out our online cremation arrangements, and contact us today!